Anonymous Leaks 13,000 Accounts

A Twitter account affiliated with Anonymous, the infamous hacktivist group, released a list of what they claim to be are 13,000 accounts’ usernames and passwords. These accounts pertain to retail and entertainment services including Amazon, PlayStation, XBox Live, Hulu Plus, and Walmart.

The hacked list also includes credit card information: credit card numbers, security codes and expiration dates.

The link to the information treasure chest was in a tweet: “A total of approximately 13k accounts. We did for the Lulz. #Anonymous #AntiSec #LulzXmas”

The link’s content is now removed.

Online retailer, gaming and video services have had been targeted in the hack attack. Information for pornographic sites have also been included.

Anonymous also released a stolen downloaded copy of “The Interview”. The group took to Twitter to announce that they would release the film themselves, when Sony pulled the release of the controversial film.

Sony eventually decided to distribute the film in certain theaters and online in the U.S. Despite its wide release, “The Interview” was reportedly torrented 750,000 times in its first 20 hours, said TechCrunch.

The stolen account information for PlayStation and Xbox Live was posted one day after two major networks were taken down by another hacker group called Lizard Squad on Christmas.


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