Some time ago I have written two articles about how HaS (Hack a Server) can help you whether you are CTO, CISO, Sys Administrator, Web App Developer: Three ways Hack a Server helps you get things done and Testing Firewalls.
Out there are a lot of ready to use systems and you can find useful lists about build-in vulnerable servers developed by companies and organizations on Phillip Bailey’s Blog or r00tsec’s blog. But guess what? Those are not platforms. Also out there are sites and companies that for a fee, let you to play on their Penetest Labs platforms, like The Hacking Dojo or the well known Offensive Security.
Sitting down over a swimming pool and a couple of beers, with our CTO, we were talking about how HaS can be use.
Here, on HaS Platform, you can build your own PenTest Lab System and then invite your friends to play on it, let other users to try your system or play CTF. Beside your imagination there are no limitation regarding how you can play with the system (hardware limitation on free version).
We would love to hear your opinion about how Hack a Server Platform can be used.
Stay safe while having fun.
Source: HackaServer