Cyber Security Conferences

What if I tell you there is a place you can find all the top cyber security conferences video sessions on a single place, updated and also for free? You can check them all on my LufSec YouTube Chanel. (Check our playlists). And you can benefit from them as far as you go, for free.

I would also like to share you a very good website that captures all cyber security conferences details all over the world updated daily. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, so I provide you the link of this website right here. Hope it can be useful for you.

But, before you stop here, do you think there are any real benefit of participating on cyber security conferences? I would say Yes, of course, it’s a must on my opinion! And employers do see the benefit of encouraging employees to attend conferences throughout the year. There is no con, so to speak, in attending a cyber security conference.

And the first and foremost important benefit is networking. You cannot put a price tag for that, you will always come back with something new back out of it. So be engaged on networking and get the benefit out of it.

The next one is knowledge. All the information you can get from the brilliant minds, New trends, new ideas, new sort of approaches you didn’t think about, it can blow your mind and you will come back to your office with a lot of ideas to change and improve things.

The next benefit is the opportunity for defcon volunteer, mentorships, and speaking that is always great.

And if you think you can’t go to a cyber security conference due to budget or travel issues or because you think your technical knowledge is not enough I would ask you to stop there. We have cyber security conferences for all pocket sizes, in multiple locations worldwide and to all different levels. One focusing more on the business side, others deep and dive on the technical side and so on. So find the best conference that fits for you and for what you are looking for.

And in case you missed it for any reason, just remember you may be able to find it on LufSec YouTube Chanel. Check our playlists!

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